The case of wars and terrorism is being waged by three distinct actors:The government of Nigeria, Boko Haram and the Civilian Joint Task Force (CJTF). While many resources have been dedicated to Countering terrorism, little attention has been paid to the role women play in the countering of insurgency. Boko Haram has played on the common perception of women as nonviolent to effortlessly mainstream women into their operations, using them to gather intelligence, using them as recruiters and promoters of radical ideologies to indoctrinate abductees and other converts in Boko Haram enclaves. In other cases, women are unwilling perpetrators and are forced into becoming suicide bombers, sex slaves and forced labourers. There is a growing awareness on the significance of mainstreaming women into Prevention and Countering of violent extremism (P/CVE). Recommendation of women is further strengthened in curbing insecurity through these policies set up by the government locally a...
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