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Showing posts from August, 2010

Get Trendy!

When in doubt,keep it red and simple! Everyone should own a little black dress ! Funny that a pair of really nice shoes makes us feel good in our heads-at the extreme opposite end of our bodies!-Lavende Waters Clothes make the man,naked people make little or no influence on society!--Mark Twain Just around the corner in every woman's mind is a lovely dress ,a wonderful pair of shoes or an entire costume which will make an enchanting new creature of her. A dress makes no sense unless it inspires men to want to take it off you--Francoise Sagan The dress must not hang on the body but follow its lines.It must accompany its wearer and when a woman smiles,the dress must smile with her--Madeleine Vionet I talk to him when I'm lonesome like;and I'm sure he understands.When he looks at me so attentively,and gently licks my hand,then he rubs his nose on my tailored clothes,but I never say naug...

I love my country.

I am proud to be Nigerian and will say it anywhere.Call it a country full of criminals and swindlers at every level.Call it a country where corruption is a virtue and looting is celebrated.A country where human lords hold sway in positions of power and dictate the pace of the people.A country,I believe has the greatest number of religious people in the world,yet represent so much evil.A country where senators are sworn in to become sinnators.A country where democracy means a government of the "chosens" by the "choicemakers" for the "not chosen",an era for embezzlement and free license to oppress the people.A country where unemployment is the order of the day and the basic needs of lives are luxuries for more than half of the citizens.Well,call what you will...I love my country,I no go lie! It will interest you to know that in thesame country Nigeria,there abounds several people who do not just crave for but are working towards a permanent change to the end...

Tired of giving!

Oops!it's been rain rain rain in this part of my world for the past one week.At times it can be really annoying,especially when you have planned a fun day and the rains come pouring down making the ground all wet and irritating.If there is anything I love to do,it is shopping.I had planned to go shopping and the rain wouldn't just go away so I threw caution to the wind and grabbed my little umbrella.Out in the rain I went,quickly hailed a cab and zoomed to the market. The entrance to the market was something else.Obviously like me,the rain couldn't deter so many people.People were milling around everywhere,even beggars sat put in their positions begging for alms from all who passed them.One of them particularly caught my attention.Unlike others he was standing,his buttons were all undone and I saw something like a rope connected to his navel,tracing the end,I saw something like a drip or something but some kind of satchet with some content in it in his hand and then there w...

Strictly by IV!

I have always believed that weddings should be one of the happiest days in a couple's life.Overtime,I have seen couples swing from happy mood to sad because there are a lot more people than they budgeted for present at their wedding.In my dear country Nigeria,believe me,weddings are jamboree occassions.Invited or not,known to the couple or not,you can attend a wedding if you want to.I sincerely think that knowing the number of people coming to your wedding will help you curb expenses and stay within budget. Sadly,many people feel that weddings should be a happy moment for everyone and anyone present at the wedding as in come one,come all!.Well,if you have a blank cheque you can open your doors to the whole country!Some people actually think it is rude to be strict with the number of people you invite to your wedding,anyway you could choose to add +2 people besides the name of whomever you give an invitation.I personally think that the best way to have a fantastic wedding is to acco...

Falling in Love

Wow!it is the eight month in 2010 already.How fast this year is passing by,don't you think?Well,so sorry I have not blogged for days now,I was trying to figure out a whole lot of stuff in my life.We all have challenges,you know.Never been caught up in emotional turmoils like this past week.Simply too much for my poor heart.If you have never been in love,tales of love will naturally sound like fairy tales to you.You may even think that the talebearer made up the tales. I must tell you though,love is a beautiful thing,most unique feeling,so perfect it's unbelievable.It simply wants to exist with that one and only one.It is just the strongest emotion ever known by man. So many mistake love for different things.Some think when you and your partner can afford to spend time together,it means you are in love.Hey!you can actually love someone but not love their company all the time.Some think when sex is great,that is all there is to it.Well,research has shown that very few keep up the...