I am proud to be Nigerian and will say it anywhere.Call it a country full of criminals and swindlers at every level.Call it a country where corruption is a virtue and looting is celebrated.A country where human lords hold sway in positions of power and dictate the pace of the people.A country,I believe has the greatest number of religious people in the world,yet represent so much evil.A country where senators are sworn in to become sinnators.A country where democracy means a government of the "chosens" by the "choicemakers" for the "not chosen",an era for embezzlement and free license to oppress the people.A country where unemployment is the order of the day and the basic needs of lives are luxuries for more than half of the citizens.Well,call what you will...I love my country,I no go lie!
It will interest you to know that in thesame country Nigeria,there abounds several people who do not just crave for but are working towards a permanent change to the endless list of evil which seems to be plaguing a blessed country like Nigeria.There are men and women who have contributed immensely to the height of Nigeria today.People whom Nigerians and the world at large are proud to identify with.In Nigeria,we have good schools,we have well equipped hospitals,we have good water and great mineral resources.Though the infrastructures may not be enough for the teeming population,we have them in any case.So something good can come out of Nigeria afterall!.
I know that even the most liberal of critics may discuss the hopelessness of the Nigerian situation,albeit in private.There is still hope.As long as there is life,we must continue counting on the brightness of tomorrow.While discussing with my colleagues yesterday,I came close to saying that the country should be didvided because with every point raised,I seemed to think more of hopelessness than ever.Well one could ask:Is division the ideal solution to the Nigerian situation?Why not,another could answer:how in God's world can a country with over two hundred ethnic groups and languages stick together as a country?and yet another opines:But we have been together for fifty years now so why can't we keep sticking together?The questions could go on and on,you know,like I'm sure you have yours right now!.
I love my country Nigeria and would tell anyone who cares to listen.As a Nigerian,I have decided never to litter my environment,change any figure in my office,urinate in the street,beat traffic light,bribe the police,cheat wether in an examination or in the market but to help the poor and needy,vote during elections,care for the sick and love my neighbour.Come,join me,lets make Nigeria a better place for all of us.Let the change start from you!I pledge to Nigeria my country to be faithful loyal and honest...so help me God!
It will interest you to know that in thesame country Nigeria,there abounds several people who do not just crave for but are working towards a permanent change to the endless list of evil which seems to be plaguing a blessed country like Nigeria.There are men and women who have contributed immensely to the height of Nigeria today.People whom Nigerians and the world at large are proud to identify with.In Nigeria,we have good schools,we have well equipped hospitals,we have good water and great mineral resources.Though the infrastructures may not be enough for the teeming population,we have them in any case.So something good can come out of Nigeria afterall!.
I know that even the most liberal of critics may discuss the hopelessness of the Nigerian situation,albeit in private.There is still hope.As long as there is life,we must continue counting on the brightness of tomorrow.While discussing with my colleagues yesterday,I came close to saying that the country should be didvided because with every point raised,I seemed to think more of hopelessness than ever.Well one could ask:Is division the ideal solution to the Nigerian situation?Why not,another could answer:how in God's world can a country with over two hundred ethnic groups and languages stick together as a country?and yet another opines:But we have been together for fifty years now so why can't we keep sticking together?The questions could go on and on,you know,like I'm sure you have yours right now!.
I love my country Nigeria and would tell anyone who cares to listen.As a Nigerian,I have decided never to litter my environment,change any figure in my office,urinate in the street,beat traffic light,bribe the police,cheat wether in an examination or in the market but to help the poor and needy,vote during elections,care for the sick and love my neighbour.Come,join me,lets make Nigeria a better place for all of us.Let the change start from you!I pledge to Nigeria my country to be faithful loyal and honest...so help me God!