When in doubt,keep it red and simple!
Everyone should own a little black dress!
Funny that a pair of really nice shoes makes us feel good in our heads-at the extreme opposite end of our bodies!-Lavende Waters
Funny that a pair of really nice shoes makes us feel good in our heads-at the extreme opposite end of our bodies!-Lavende Waters
Clothes make the man,naked people make little or no influence on society!--Mark Twain
Just around the corner in every woman's mind is a lovely dress ,a wonderful pair of shoes or an entire costume which will make an enchanting new creature of her.
A dress makes no sense unless it inspires men to want to take it off you--Francoise Sagan
The dress must not hang on the body but follow its lines.It must accompany its wearer and when a woman smiles,the dress must smile with her--Madeleine Vionet
I talk to him when I'm lonesome like;and I'm sure he understands.When he looks at me so attentively,and gently licks my hand,then he rubs his nose on my tailored clothes,but I never say naught thereat.For the good lord knows I can buy more clothes,but never a friend like that!--W.Dayton Wedgefarth.
No matter how trendy you get,never get trendier than time and people!--Moi