An entrepreneur is an initiator, an innovator and challenger . An entrepreneur creates something new, either in terms of service or business for profit or for social needs. To be a good entrepreneur, you have to be:
*Passionate about your job, As an entrepreneur, you may have to put in long hours and make sacrifices for your business especially if it is a side hustle.
* Well organized; They should be able to Keep up with client records, manage business funds and run day-2-day office activity as much as they maintain an orderly environment.
* Be realistic; Not every business succeeds.Entrepreneurs must understand that there is no guarantee to a business success, he/she has to keep learning and keep adjusting.
Having establish who an entrepreneur is and should do, let's consider why we need entrepreneurs in our nation:
*For a developing country like ours, Entrepreneurship is needed to break the vicious circle of poverty by mobilizing the idle funds (A mix of their fund and loans) which leads to capital formation and creation of wealth very essential for development of an economy.
*Entrepreneurs are needed to meet the demands of Social Change; New innovations create room for advance tools which in turn reduces dependence on obsolete systems and technologies, this result in a greater economic freedom.
* New and improved products, services or technology from entrepreneurs create room for new markets and more wealth to be created, this will additionally increase employment and higher earnings.
In summary, Entrepreneurs are not only important to themselves or to the nation, they are also important to their immediate environment; they sponsor and can sponsor community projects when established.
However, government can help by redirecting surplus wealth to retrain workers who are redundant as a result of entrepreneurship, Moreso, government can nurture Entrepreneurship by regulating inflated prices,unfair market practices, pervasive corruption and criminal activity caused by entrepreneurs.
# Citizenship empowerment
# Innovative
# National Developmentd