Agriculture which involves the cultivation and tearing of animals for consumption and business has created more opportunities for people to harness.These opportunities include:
. Leasing out lands to Farmers for cultivation or for rearing, moreso the produce can be sold or supplied locally through distribution channels.
. Organic and Fertilizer Production.Organics and fertilizers help in retaining the soil Condition hence learning the production the production process and selling to either Farmers or manufacturing companies is another good way of making an headway in the agricultural field and the good thing is you can start on any capital.
. Poultry farming: This is one of the world's biggest business. It can start on a small scale and a corner of your house can be used.
.Fruits and Vegetables Exporting: This can be done through conversation via the Internet. You can stand as a mediator between the local farmers and the manufacturing companies using the products.
.Spice or Food processing: Learning the processes of turning raw products into powder forms or liquid forms such as Soya Bean powder, Bean flour, Dairy products and so on, is a creative way of having your own brand.
Hope this article helps ? We will be waiting for feedbacks.
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# Building people's financial capacity
# Opportunities utilizers
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