The Mid-Career years is a phase that starts from the early 30s to the late 40s.According to statistics, many women at this stage have an increased commitments outside the office at the same time their commitments in the office Increase. For example a woman's focus expands from taking care of herself to embracing significant commitments to others such as her Spouse, Child, Aging parent and so on. Moreso, fast-track Professionals move from entry-levels to middle management roles; these transitions create more responsibilities for the women concern and all these commitments require lots of time and energy.
As the demands of the Mid-career period increase, many women find work life unbearable and sometimes too stressful; thus, Women's resolution to stay in the workforce as full time workers, begin to break down.
The women who made it through these tough days as fulltime workers,were able to do so because they had built solid foundations for themselves earlier, knowingly or unknowingly. So,for women to survive in their careers at this stage, It is important they consider these factors:
. Knowing What She Wants : Those who succeed at the highest levels make good choices. Women who are not sure of what they want have a harder time working fully or enjoyably. So, the sooner a professional woman gains clarity about her ambitions, purpose and goals, the easier it will be to achieve significant professional progress.
.Being in the Right Job: To grow as a professional in the mid-career years,women should stay in a place where they are in alignment with the cultures, values and purposes of the organization. They should also be in a place where their strengths and skills fit into. When a woman is making a positive difference in the world, the more likely she is to stay and to succeed, at least for the Joy it offers rather than unhealthy competitions solely for money.
.Mentorship/Coaching: Research has shown that effective mentorship and sponsorship are critical during this phase, and in contrast lack of good guidance or mentorship increases the likelihood of unproductivity in the workplace or even an early exit from their career.
In summary, Surviving at this phase (Mid-Career years) starts from having a clarity on one's objectives at an early stage and having/ building an alignment with these objectives. Gaining alignments is not so easy but it is the best chance for getting through.
We have to keep soaring!
# Women of substance# Career women
# Keeping their Relevance