The post- Corona era is an era marked with unemployment and economic recession according to the leading think tanks and experts, the economic impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the world economy is almost worse than that of the 2008 recession, thus there is a need to possess some skills either for side hustle or for the main job in order to address the challenges associated with the Pandemic, the skills to be adopted are:
Acquiring technological skills is very Paramount at this time because physical presence is still very much limited and moreso many companies are trying to be resilient to future out breaks and disruption hence the need to possess these skills:
Human ingenuity to invent new products or new ways of working will help brain storm the conditions of things. Companies that are able to come up with ways to deliver services virtually and personally will beat the economic situation of the nation
This is a skill that helps to understands business trends and customer needs; with this skill, companies can better predict the impact of future business disruptions and can thus serve customers with the right products and services during and after this pandemic
Due to the trends of people working in fluent teams due to social distancing and home working procedure, professionals with strong skills in leadership that can inspire and encourage collaboration is highly required at this time.
In all, Adaptability and Flexibility which is the ability to continuously update and refresh one's skills in our ever revolving work places is Keen to surviving in this post- Corona era.
Hope these tips work. Acquire one now!