Often times people spend a lot of Fortune to eat certain food in the eatery, while some see it as a means of enjoyment others see it as an herculean task, a meal that requires high level of professionalism but today we will see that some meals are not as difficult as it seem.
Chicken De Poulet is a Mauritius meal sometimes called Chicken Fricasee, it is a method of cooking chicken by cutting it up and braising it after which it is served with it's sauce( we will be considering tomatoes and vegetable sauce) , to prepare this meal the chicken needs to be pan- fried first before boiling it. So let's go...
. 1kg Chicken ( chicken breast or thighs)
. 2 chopped bulbs of Onions
. 4 table spoon of crushed garlic or 3 bulbs of fresh garlic ( I prefer fresh garlic)
. 2 table spoon of chopped parsley
.2 bulbs of fresh ginger or 1 teaspoon of crushed ginger
. Salt, Maggi, white Pepper
. 6 seeds of plantain
. A cup of groundnut oil
. Green beans, green pepper and carrots
. Blended tomatoes
Note: This recipe can be adjusted for personal use.
. Wash and chop the chicken into desired sizes
. Wash and grind the fresh ginger, garlic, onion and parsley in a blender
.Take half of the mixture and add it to the chicken, add white Pepper, small water, salt, cube and allow to cook for 15 mins
. Warm the groundnut oil, peel the plantain not too thin or thick and fry the plaintain until it is golden brown
. Cut the green beans, green pepper and carrots into desired shapes
. Roughly blend the tomatoes
. Drain the chicken and put in the oven for about 10 mins till golden brown
. Reduce the oil used for frying plantain then fry the blended tomato and onions with it until it is thick and dry
. Add to the fried tomato puree the rest of the blended spices, half teaspoon of white Pepper and the chicken stock
. After few minutes put in the chicken and fried plantain and cook for 5 mins
. Add the chopped green pepper, green beans and carrot and allow it to cook for 5 mins then bring down
Note: if you are diabetic or needs to reduce your cholesterol you are advised to use the shredded chicken it contains less fats, moreso you can boil your plaintain and other ingredients with the chicken instead of frying. Also some people marinade their chicken with red wine before roasting. Just do what rocks your boat, cooking is an art as far as I know!
Health benefits of Chicken De Poulet
It is packed with proteins, calcium and minerals that are easily absorbed by the body. It is essential for good joint movements , strong bones and fresh skin.
Bon Apetit!