This is by Jimmy Evans...Inspiring!
If your marriage is like most, it began with good communication. You got to know one another by spending time together. You talked and talked and talked.
Communication is the essential element to every great marriage. Getting to know another human being requires talking. It's how we fall in love. It's how we understand another person's heart. It's how we resolve problems and discuss needs. It's so important.
It's also important that those words be encouraging. That's what happens early in a relationship, right? Your speech is filled with kindness, praise, and compliments. Without positive words spoken, you won't have a very good relationship—or a good marriage.
One of a woman's most important needs is for communication. It's as important to women as sex is for men. I didn't understand this concept very well when Karen and I first got married. Our marriage struggled in those early years.
It wasn't until I began talking to her—truly communicating—that our marriage turned a corner. Patient, loving communication connects her to my world.
That's why I often give two instructions to married couples. Women should be more sexual than they feel (this always makes the husbands in the room happy). But on the other hand, I tell men they should talk more than they feel. Our wives deserve more than just a grunted word or two at the end of the day.
That leads me to the five standards of successful communication in marriage:
Communication is central to a good marriage, whether you're a man or a woman. Speak kindness, truth, and positive words to each other, and watch how God will use these things to draw you closer than ever before.