Looking back,I can't but be thankful for the months gone by,counting from January...There is every reason to be thankful and feel blessed too especially for life.It is a special day today:12:12:12.A unique date witnessed once in a century.I am most grateful to Baba God who makes all things beautiful in his time.
2012 the year that is the focus of many predictions, some that said the world will end,some that said mankind will evolve. No matter what, 2012 is the only year in the whole century that ends in a 12 and has 12 months.
In the world of numerology, twelve is considered the number of completeness and represents the end of one cycle and the beginning of another.December is the twelfth and final month of the year, every 12 hours day
turns to night or night to day and today completes the trice-repeating dates until the next century rolls around. Enjoy the rest of 2012!