Look out for someone whom you want to give a lifetime job in your family vision: Do you want a guy or a real man that will be responsive to his responsibilities? Do you want a rich man (who got his money from only God knows where) or a wealthy man who knows how to use his wealth to build up a home that would glorify God? Do you want a rich man or a worthy man to give your precious life to? Do you want a smooth talker that knows how to lie away his selfish moves all the days of your life; or someone who will tell you the truth even if it hurts? Do you want a guy that can make you feel good; or a real man that can be a good husband and a father to your children? Do you want someone who will make you cry or someone who will make you fly away from your weaknesses: to become a better person everyday of your life with him? Do you want someone that would scold and abuse you; or someone who would mold you into an angel of bliss, peace, and harmony? Do you want someone who could stimulate you...
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