Some men can do and say any and everything to get in your panties.So,he constantly cooks up lies to eat your apple.How much he loves you,how he adores you.How he can't control himself whenever he sees you.blah..blah..blah...ok nah.This past week I listened to a very beautiful message by Pastor Olukoya of the mountain of Fire and I just wanna share with you guys.It is timely,given the craziness in our world today.A world where a man would rather marry a w*ore than a virgin beacuse according to their vague theory virgins don't make good wives;they are emotionally bankrupt and care less of people's emotions.Who verified this theory if not the devil himself.
Seriously,I sit down at times and I'm thinking:where did this generation miss it?A woman would rather turn herself to a cheap w*ore to please her vain desires not minding the consequences.The irony is that,they would leave the single thresh-hold sometimes long before the good gals.However,does this change the truth that chastity is a proper character trait to imbibe?
1.Sex is a beautiful thing,it makes a woman glow...oh well may be it is beautiful but in holy matrimony!.A guy would tell you how the pimples would all disappear once he had sex with you(congy,they would call it).How much you would begin to glow beacuse it comes with happiness.Are you for real?
2.Sex is love...If you love me,you will allow me to have sex with you!.Oh c'mon now.How can anyone say sex is love?Sex is very physical and love is a godly thing.No doubt sex can fan the flame of love but that is only when love is existing already.Sex never brings about love,not at all.When you decided to have sex with that prostitute the other day,was it because you loved her?
3.Lack of sex causes painful menstruation for women...really?This is such a blatant lie.It is medically wrong and just plain simple fallacy.I know so many virgins who do not suffer any pain during their menstrual period.
4.Lack of sex causes stomach upset and waist pain for men.This is another lie guys readily decieve themselves with.This is in your mind and has nothing to do with nature.This simply has to do with your lack of self control and so you find an excuse to gratify your pleasures.
5.Sex is trust...OMG!.What won't one hear in these vain times?If one can have sex with one who is not his spouse,what stops him/her from bedding yet another person?.Sex has nothing to do with trust.Moreso,these days married men are even more promiscuous than single men.
6.Virgins are naive...ok let us even agree that virgins are naive about sex,does it mean that they are naive in every other area of life?Does sex make or mar life?Is sex the essence of life?If a person learnt how to read,write and speak,how much less sex,that is a natural gift from God .
7.Sex exposes you to is always my big question about this laughable opinion of a shallow mind.To what degree can sex expose anyone to life?Life,what is this life that sex can expose a person to?Sex outside marriage can only mean entertaining a stranger with your destiny.Life is about destiny.So what can casual sex contribute to a person's destiny?Can sex point you to a bright and secured future?.Only a prostitue would echo yes to these questions.
8.Virgins are unemotional and so don't make good life partners...another sorry opinion.Some people argue that virgins(male/female) don't make good spouses because they have little or no emotional experience.Since they probably have not suffered any heart breaks,they tend not to identify with others' emotional feelings.This is a big lie.We are all emotional beings but every individual reacts to a particular situation differently.This is not peculiar to virgins.There are w*ores out there who are so dead to emotions,it is beyond belief.
9.Sex enlarges those girls push you to have sex so that your breasts can grow bigger.Who ever won an award for big breasts?.These are vain issues that young people preoccupy their minds with.Little wonder,we don't hear of best scientist,best writer,best Poet etc in our secondary schoold today.Can anybody replace and maybe do better than the Chinua Achebes,Wole Soyinkas,Okonjo-Iwealas,Akunyilis etc in this generation?.
10.Sex is money...Ok oh,I hear!.Believe me, you don't want to know how many young girls have sold their body and are not even alive today to enjoy the money they made from it.Many men are very willing to part with money for sex anyday,just as many women are willing to take the chances for the peanuts these men throw at them.Is sex the only means of making money in life?If there are other ways to make money other than selling your body,then only a myopic mind would add a voice to this tune:sex is money!.
Seriously,I sit down at times and I'm thinking:where did this generation miss it?A woman would rather turn herself to a cheap w*ore to please her vain desires not minding the consequences.The irony is that,they would leave the single thresh-hold sometimes long before the good gals.However,does this change the truth that chastity is a proper character trait to imbibe?
1.Sex is a beautiful thing,it makes a woman glow...oh well may be it is beautiful but in holy matrimony!.A guy would tell you how the pimples would all disappear once he had sex with you(congy,they would call it).How much you would begin to glow beacuse it comes with happiness.Are you for real?
2.Sex is love...If you love me,you will allow me to have sex with you!.Oh c'mon now.How can anyone say sex is love?Sex is very physical and love is a godly thing.No doubt sex can fan the flame of love but that is only when love is existing already.Sex never brings about love,not at all.When you decided to have sex with that prostitute the other day,was it because you loved her?
3.Lack of sex causes painful menstruation for women...really?This is such a blatant lie.It is medically wrong and just plain simple fallacy.I know so many virgins who do not suffer any pain during their menstrual period.
4.Lack of sex causes stomach upset and waist pain for men.This is another lie guys readily decieve themselves with.This is in your mind and has nothing to do with nature.This simply has to do with your lack of self control and so you find an excuse to gratify your pleasures.
5.Sex is trust...OMG!.What won't one hear in these vain times?If one can have sex with one who is not his spouse,what stops him/her from bedding yet another person?.Sex has nothing to do with trust.Moreso,these days married men are even more promiscuous than single men.
6.Virgins are naive...ok let us even agree that virgins are naive about sex,does it mean that they are naive in every other area of life?Does sex make or mar life?Is sex the essence of life?If a person learnt how to read,write and speak,how much less sex,that is a natural gift from God .
7.Sex exposes you to is always my big question about this laughable opinion of a shallow mind.To what degree can sex expose anyone to life?Life,what is this life that sex can expose a person to?Sex outside marriage can only mean entertaining a stranger with your destiny.Life is about destiny.So what can casual sex contribute to a person's destiny?Can sex point you to a bright and secured future?.Only a prostitue would echo yes to these questions.
8.Virgins are unemotional and so don't make good life partners...another sorry opinion.Some people argue that virgins(male/female) don't make good spouses because they have little or no emotional experience.Since they probably have not suffered any heart breaks,they tend not to identify with others' emotional feelings.This is a big lie.We are all emotional beings but every individual reacts to a particular situation differently.This is not peculiar to virgins.There are w*ores out there who are so dead to emotions,it is beyond belief.
9.Sex enlarges those girls push you to have sex so that your breasts can grow bigger.Who ever won an award for big breasts?.These are vain issues that young people preoccupy their minds with.Little wonder,we don't hear of best scientist,best writer,best Poet etc in our secondary schoold today.Can anybody replace and maybe do better than the Chinua Achebes,Wole Soyinkas,Okonjo-Iwealas,Akunyilis etc in this generation?.
10.Sex is money...Ok oh,I hear!.Believe me, you don't want to know how many young girls have sold their body and are not even alive today to enjoy the money they made from it.Many men are very willing to part with money for sex anyday,just as many women are willing to take the chances for the peanuts these men throw at them.Is sex the only means of making money in life?If there are other ways to make money other than selling your body,then only a myopic mind would add a voice to this tune:sex is money!.