As a teenager,a time came when I tried more than anything else to understand love,then sex.Oh,I was told a whole lot of things about these two phenomena and how they form part of our map of reality as human beings.It was a desired topic among teenagers.It is the age of adventure!You wanna know everything,you wanna poke your nose in every ditch no matter how smelly.I have very beautiful childhood memories and I will remain everly grateful to the only true God and my dear parents who made it possible.I remember leaving the comfort of my parents home at 11 to boarden school.I made friends quickly.In fact I remember we were like a gang and we called ourselves NICOCO!.Oh how I remember those days so vividly like yesterday.We practically talked about everything and one thing we were very curious about was sex.It was always a hot topic to discuss.We wondered how the first experience will be,we wondered how addictive it may become.We wondered if sex defined love and we were very inconclusive about this notion and for a long time to come,it remained inconclusive for me.
In the University,it was a different ball game.I met people with vast experiences who were very willing to share their experience.For only but one or two people,there were no regrets but for every other girl who shared her experience,there was this voice ladden with wholesome regret that told the stories.Yet,most of them had sex because they loved the guy.Again and again I asked,if you loved him,why do you regret sharing your body with him?.I thought love shared all things but they insisted it was beyond my question,however they knew they loved the guys.I was even more confused but I never stopped asking questions.So,on this beautiful saturday morning I was opportuned to attend a relationship seminar for young people on campus.It was a turning point for moi.
The guest speaker was this good looking young man who dressed very smartly and spoke very good English.Anyone would want to listen to him.He had a striking charisma.He spoke freely about love and sex.He drew his texts from the holy Bible.1corinthians 13 was the text he read from.He defined love in a way I never heard before.He made it very clear that sex had practically nothing to do with loving someone.Love is unconditional and pure.Love is a godly attribute,sex is man's attribute.The two are not thesame.While love is a command given to man by God to freely share with ALL men,sex is a free gift given to man By God to man to share with only ONE person.Love is divine,sex is carnal!.Love is a changing force,sex is a transferrence force.
There is much confusion today on the subject of love because we are limited to only one English word (love) with a broad range of meanings. For example, if I said, "I love my husband, I love my house, I love chocolates," obviously I am not talking about love in the same degree or definition.
Eros Love - A word that was not actually used in the New Testament but was alluded to. It meant physical passion; its gratification and fulfillment. The Greek word is probably not used in the New Testament because the origin of the word came from the mythical god Eros, the god of love. It is inferred in many scriptures and is the only kind of love that God restricts to a one-man, one-woman relationship within the bounds of marriage (Heb. 13:4; Song 1:13; 4:5-6; 7:7-9; 8:10; 1 Cor. 7:25; Eph. 5:31).
Storge Love - Storge is the natural bond between mother and infant, father, children, and kin. William Barclay states, "We cannot help loving our kith and kin; blood is thicker than water" (N.T. Words, 1974).
Phileo Love - Phileo love is a love of the affections. It is delighting to be in the presence of another, a warm feeling that comes and goes with intensity. The Bible encourages it but it is never a direct command. God never commands phileo since this type of love is based on the feelings. God Himself did not phileo the world but rather operated in agape love towards us. I cannot have a warm tender feeling toward an enemy but I can agape love them.
Agape Love - Agape love is God's kind of love. It is seeking the welfare and betterment of another regardless of how we feel. Agape does not have the primary meaning of feelings or affection. Jesus displayed it when he went to the cross and died for you and me regardless of how He felt. In the gospels Jesus prayed, "Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless, not as I will, but as thou wilt" (Mt. 26:39; Mk. 14:36; Lk. 22:41-43; Jn. 18:11). Jesus sought the betterment of you and me, regardless of His feelings. Matthew 7:12 states it this way, "So whatever you wish that men would do to you, do so to them; for this is the law and the prophets"
In essence, eros love is "physical", philos love is "mental", and agape love is "spiritual". Thus, it is made up of the three fundamental elements of man: physical, mental and spiritual.Sex is physical,Love is beyond physical,it is spiritual and remember that the spiritual controls the physical.Are you in love or in sex?.
In the University,it was a different ball game.I met people with vast experiences who were very willing to share their experience.For only but one or two people,there were no regrets but for every other girl who shared her experience,there was this voice ladden with wholesome regret that told the stories.Yet,most of them had sex because they loved the guy.Again and again I asked,if you loved him,why do you regret sharing your body with him?.I thought love shared all things but they insisted it was beyond my question,however they knew they loved the guys.I was even more confused but I never stopped asking questions.So,on this beautiful saturday morning I was opportuned to attend a relationship seminar for young people on campus.It was a turning point for moi.
The guest speaker was this good looking young man who dressed very smartly and spoke very good English.Anyone would want to listen to him.He had a striking charisma.He spoke freely about love and sex.He drew his texts from the holy Bible.1corinthians 13 was the text he read from.He defined love in a way I never heard before.He made it very clear that sex had practically nothing to do with loving someone.Love is unconditional and pure.Love is a godly attribute,sex is man's attribute.The two are not thesame.While love is a command given to man by God to freely share with ALL men,sex is a free gift given to man By God to man to share with only ONE person.Love is divine,sex is carnal!.Love is a changing force,sex is a transferrence force.
There is much confusion today on the subject of love because we are limited to only one English word (love) with a broad range of meanings. For example, if I said, "I love my husband, I love my house, I love chocolates," obviously I am not talking about love in the same degree or definition.
Eros Love - A word that was not actually used in the New Testament but was alluded to. It meant physical passion; its gratification and fulfillment. The Greek word is probably not used in the New Testament because the origin of the word came from the mythical god Eros, the god of love. It is inferred in many scriptures and is the only kind of love that God restricts to a one-man, one-woman relationship within the bounds of marriage (Heb. 13:4; Song 1:13; 4:5-6; 7:7-9; 8:10; 1 Cor. 7:25; Eph. 5:31).
Storge Love - Storge is the natural bond between mother and infant, father, children, and kin. William Barclay states, "We cannot help loving our kith and kin; blood is thicker than water" (N.T. Words, 1974).
Phileo Love - Phileo love is a love of the affections. It is delighting to be in the presence of another, a warm feeling that comes and goes with intensity. The Bible encourages it but it is never a direct command. God never commands phileo since this type of love is based on the feelings. God Himself did not phileo the world but rather operated in agape love towards us. I cannot have a warm tender feeling toward an enemy but I can agape love them.
Agape Love - Agape love is God's kind of love. It is seeking the welfare and betterment of another regardless of how we feel. Agape does not have the primary meaning of feelings or affection. Jesus displayed it when he went to the cross and died for you and me regardless of how He felt. In the gospels Jesus prayed, "Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless, not as I will, but as thou wilt" (Mt. 26:39; Mk. 14:36; Lk. 22:41-43; Jn. 18:11). Jesus sought the betterment of you and me, regardless of His feelings. Matthew 7:12 states it this way, "So whatever you wish that men would do to you, do so to them; for this is the law and the prophets"
In essence, eros love is "physical", philos love is "mental", and agape love is "spiritual". Thus, it is made up of the three fundamental elements of man: physical, mental and spiritual.Sex is physical,Love is beyond physical,it is spiritual and remember that the spiritual controls the physical.Are you in love or in sex?.