In about a month from now,general elections wil take place to select leaders who wil take Nigerians to that promised land which every common Nigerian yearns for.However,I am more scared than amazed at the high rate of killings and violence all around Nigeria.It is not as if thevents are new to human kind.I mean violence,killings and all that.No!,they aer not,but my worry is the mode of perpetration.Bombing?.No way.This was definitely very alien to the nigerian people.At least, I have been around for more than a quarter of a century and no such event has ever been reported.We only saw it on television happening elsewhere but not our dear Nigeria.
First,it was the October 1 twin bombing while Nigerians were celebrating 50 years of independence,then the new year's eve bombing in a place where merry makers were just catching fun.It was all quiet after that.People kept speculating about the possible initiators and executors of these acts.At a time arrests were made but we hardly hear anything about the issue these days.A good number thought it was religiously incited,others felt it was politically motivated.Then just two days ago on March 3 at about 1pm at a campaign rally,some faceless cowards still repeated thesame act killing about 10 people and left more than 20 seriously injured.For this one,everyone was quick to say it was politically motivated.
And I say wether,religious,political,selfish,foolishly,whatever motivated or incited these unforgivable acts against innocent citizens is baseless and the height of cowardice and a most appalling way to exhibit ignorance.How can any sane person sacrifice the innocent on the altar of greed and selfishness?You have to be psycholigically bereaved,emotionally handicapped,intellectually deprived to conceive such an act,how much more execute it.How can anyone find a reason to kill innocent people whom you most likely have never met before and so may not be standing directly on your path of self greed?
The story of Jos is a different thing altogether.That one is better left to the mind to imagine how people who you used to live side by side with each other suddenly turned arch enemies and wishes each other nothing but death and pain.The human mind is no doubt an abode for either good or bad,but I also know the creator of man was gracious enough to give man the power and will to choose between the two!.So,why is it looking more likeNigeria(the world) is embracing evil like a man embraces a wife he loves?.
Moralists say it is simply evil competing with good,the spiritual minds say these are the signs of the end of time and free thinkers say,it is just the different facets of life.Where do you belong or are you sitted on the fence?Remember the fence is tilted.You are either on the right side or the wrong side.Do no be caught on the wrong side of caution,I dare say to you..I am thankful that I can use this medium to implore us all to look inwards and anchor our livess on the wings of reason.Life is beautiful,if only we make it so.It is worthy of mention here,to cap all these up by saying that GOOD ultimately conquers EVIL.If you are on the side of evil,be warned,your destination time is approaching,even now!!!.
First,it was the October 1 twin bombing while Nigerians were celebrating 50 years of independence,then the new year's eve bombing in a place where merry makers were just catching fun.It was all quiet after that.People kept speculating about the possible initiators and executors of these acts.At a time arrests were made but we hardly hear anything about the issue these days.A good number thought it was religiously incited,others felt it was politically motivated.Then just two days ago on March 3 at about 1pm at a campaign rally,some faceless cowards still repeated thesame act killing about 10 people and left more than 20 seriously injured.For this one,everyone was quick to say it was politically motivated.
And I say wether,religious,political,selfish,foolishly,whatever motivated or incited these unforgivable acts against innocent citizens is baseless and the height of cowardice and a most appalling way to exhibit ignorance.How can any sane person sacrifice the innocent on the altar of greed and selfishness?You have to be psycholigically bereaved,emotionally handicapped,intellectually deprived to conceive such an act,how much more execute it.How can anyone find a reason to kill innocent people whom you most likely have never met before and so may not be standing directly on your path of self greed?
The story of Jos is a different thing altogether.That one is better left to the mind to imagine how people who you used to live side by side with each other suddenly turned arch enemies and wishes each other nothing but death and pain.The human mind is no doubt an abode for either good or bad,but I also know the creator of man was gracious enough to give man the power and will to choose between the two!.So,why is it looking more like
Moralists say it is simply evil competing with good,the spiritual minds say these are the signs of the end of time and free thinkers say,it is just the different facets of life.Where do you belong or are you sitted on the fence?Remember the fence is tilted.You are either on the right side or the wrong side.Do no be caught on the wrong side of caution,I dare say to you..I am thankful that I can use this medium to implore us all to look inwards and anchor our livess on the wings of reason.Life is beautiful,if only we make it so.It is worthy of mention here,to cap all these up by saying that GOOD ultimately conquers EVIL.If you are on the side of evil,be warned,your destination time is approaching,even now!!!.