I think it is really annoying what is happening in our society these days.It is totally different from what obtained in our parents days.Ideals were followed to the letter.It was a sincere practise.Well,I am talking about church and its proliferation in Nigeria.Have you ever wondered like me why there are so many churches in Nigeria and yet so much evil also.In fact I strongly believe that Nigerians are the most religious people in the world.You will hardly hear hear a Nigerian talking without mentioning God.Our corrupt politicians get away with all their atrocities because we believe God will judge them for us and they more than anyone else sing open praises to God.
The churches which are meant to be the house of God are now donation houses where only the donors are recognized members.You either donate or you remain a wayfarer,jumping from church to church seeking for the acceptance which every church should generally afford without a price tag just as Christ freely gave his life for us who are sinners.You could count hundred churches in one street in Nigeria.They say we can't all worship together because God gives each church different vision and mandate.Well,I agree,after all,the bible talks about the church in Corinth and Laodecia and many more and their different approach to serving God,however we never read that they made money a pillar of their worship.In fact they shared all that they had, together in love.
I know there are churches that preach 'seek ye first the kingdom of God and every other thing shall be added unto you' and really mean it by practicing it.It is really sad and every time I think of the polity called Nigeria I weep.I see no reason why the church shouldn't have made a huge impact in this dear nation.We have respected men of God all over ,yet...,most of us claim to be born again Christians,yet....truly saddening.One thing I know anyway is that if we truly practice the Christianity Jesus preached,the change we have all been pravying for would come.It starts from no other person but you and me and the time is definitely now...