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Showing posts from July, 2013

UK Immigrants get better education and jobs than native brits

  A new report by Reuters on UK immigration has dispelled old beliefs that newcomers are mostly low-educated workers. A greater number of foreigners get higher degrees and better jobs than native Britons, figures released by the Office for National Statistics show. Unlike widespread stereotypes, nearly 90 percent of foreign nationals living in the UK speak English very well, the data revealed. 3.6 million foreign nationals aged three and over reported that they  "could speak English well, very well or as their main language." Only 1.7 percent (70,000) of foreign nationals reported that they could not speak English at all. Twenty-one percent of foreign nationals were employed in banking, finance and insurance, compared with 17 percent of UK nationals. Thirty-eight percent of foreign nationals gained qualifications at degree standard or higher, compared with 29 percent of natives, according to the  Office for National Statistics . “UK nationals were more concentrated...

Nigeria,my country

Hi peeps,Ok yea been away from here for a long while.Bad me,I know.I missed you too...:). Anyway,I am back for now.I am particularly worried about the trend in Nigeria now.Tertiary institutions on strike,insecurity,the killings,the public show of shame by legislators supposedly elected to represent the common man,endless list.I know,these things happen all over the world but I am concerned about mine just because it is mine. Below is a poem expressing my feelings and I'm sure many Nigerians too.  Oh how I weep for my country Oh that She may rejoice again A land so blessed,nature is envious A land of plenty,human and nature Oh,how I cringe at the wickedness Oh that the sinnators may repent A land now turned to its shadow A land immersed in systemic chaos Oh how I pray for my country Oh dear lord,that her glory be restored A land of sandy tribes and tongues A land of talents and creativity Oh how I see the future of my country Oh,a home,a treasure,a destination A...